Touring my college journal!


This week, I'm going back to school // actually It's time for my college to begin. How exciting,  right? // maybe. I've been on a gap year for a year and now it feels weird to tell myself that I should be getting ready for school (wooo, now college) tomorrow. Although I'm a bit scared,  I'm super excited to finally go to a college and attend classes of what I want to study. 

But being honest, one of the thing that excites me about the college is that I'm keeping a college journal now and I can't get my hands to work on it. I have been thinking about this for a while and Yay! this is finally happening. I'll be tracking my "college stuff", to-do-s,  classes overviews, and maybe even more because I'm doing a bullet journal. 

So let me cover you up with the notebook I got for this "project" // let's call this a project because I think it sounds fun and wanna-be-professional. 

I have been using a lot of notebooks from Bhav and Miniso for a while and I thought it would be fun to explore other cute notebooks that are in the market. So just for a change, I got these from Bhatbhateini. I was expecting to buy a thicker one but I couldn't find them so I quickly grabbed these to the counter. 

Although they look like Travel Journals, I figured they will look cute for my college journal as well. I love the print and the paper doesn't really seem like it will hold much of the marker's ink but surprisingly, it did. We can see the light traces of the preceding pages but they don't seem to disturb much. So this seems like it will work fine for me. (: 

first page

on the right side, you can see the design I made on the front page of my journal. 

I decided to go with the drawers, flowers, and candles // they're scented!

The design is intended to make me feel like I'm home although I might be at the college working on it. So I thought the theme about being at home would make me feel more comfortable. 

And also, I might be having just the "studious" or "college-related" themes on the inside so I wanted to make this page a bit special and filled with homely vibes.

tbh // I was about to write my name simply inside a square box but I played along & this happened.

oh, one more thing about the notebook is that it has "journey to the soul" on top of it's every page. That's too extra for me but hopefully I'll get along with it well. 

index & course tracker

planning on a bullet journal gives you this opportunity to have any kind of pages you want. And sometimes, I think that's also the disadvantage when you can't think of other pages you want to add.

so I had no clue what else to keep on my college journal. I didn't want to make it bulky with just some playful tracking things but something that could actually help me organize myself. After going through TONS of bullet journal pages ideas on pinterest, I decided to keep it simple with just my legend/index (in case I forget), course tracker, and a mini calendar.

the daily journal pages

I wanted clean pages with minimal amount of designs so that I can focus well on taking the daily essentials rather than just fill the pages with pretty pictures. So I thought about drawing themes only on the top or the bottom of the page and keeping rest of the part neat // it's obvious for it to be neat if it's empty


now it was time for me to find the perfect marker for my journal. 

So I decided to do a small DIY with my glittery blue tape and paper clips.

I think it looks pretty and is quite handy at times. I have been making a lot of these bookmarks and have used them for my daily planner. And I love them so they had to be here too.

back: the back-saver!

so we're at the back of the journal // Yay! I can't believe I made it this far. *phew

I think I have some kind of obsession with the back of the notebooks. I remember drawing doodles at the back of my school notebooks because well, we weren't allowed to draw on the inside unless it's your art sketch book. So when I was waaaay tiny, I used to draw things on the back of every notebooks because that particular page had my back when I was bored or when I had to just scribe things because I have to. 

Thus, that's when the back pages became my back-savers! They've got our backs since we've owned them. So for this journal, I decided to stick some of my post-it-notes or sticky-notes, however you put them, at the back. I only had the baby blue ones while making this. I'm hoping to add others as soon as I get my hands on them. Yay!

we've come to an end of this journal tour.

I hope you had fun and maybe got some ideas for your journal as well, if you plan to do.

And if you have some ideas for mine, I would be super duper grateful for your suggestion.

As always, 

Thank you so much for reading! ^^


  1. This looks great!
    Good luck for college and keep up the journal!

  2. Yaaayyy!!! Please keep us updated on how you are using it. Monthly or bi-monthly update would do fine ;)


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